Friday, September 29, 2023

Gender Identity: My Journey in Understanding Gender

In the Beginning...

When I was a little boy, gender identity was easy: girls had long hair, and boys had short hair. The school made this easier since girls weren't allowed to wear pants. Girls had long hair and wore a dress or skirt, while boys had short hair and wore pants. This became more complicated when the dress code changed around 1972, allowing girls to wear pants. Also, boys started growing their hair long.

For the most part, confusing genders wasn't an issue for me. I do remember saying something to my older sisters about having a "pee-pee," and they told me girls didn't have a "pee-pee". That was a surprising revelation that there's more to gender than just outward appearance.

Baby X

In high school, I read the book "X: A Fabulous Child's Story" by Lois Gould published in 1978. It's the story of a child raised as part of an experiment to keep its gender unknown to everyone but its parents and the scientists conducting the experiment. 

Since the parents hid its gender, Baby X was able to do all of the fun activities from both genders, like playing football and baking cakes. It was a very positive story revealing the limiting beliefs of parents and society at large. I loved the story but don't remember exactly why it resonated so much with me. Maybe it's because I loved my sisters and couldn't imagine them being limited. Or maybe it was because my brother was a talented artist, and I saw him bullied.  

Whatever it was, I decided that when I became a parent, I would try not to limit my children. So when I finally had children of my own, I taught my daughter to catch a ball, and I gave my son an easy bake oven. 

One day my oldest son was sitting in the high chair. We put a slice of bread on the tray for him to eat. We were surprised when he ate away part of the bread to make it the shape of a gun. Then he held it in his hand and said, "Bang-bang". We didn't have anything in the house that resembled a gun, and he watched only children's shows on the television. It appears that the Baby X story forgot to mention that some people may naturally align with gender stereotypes.

My wife has mostly feminine traits, and I have mostly masculine traits (though she does like trucks more than I do). One very strong gender difference is how she interacts with her lady friends. Their behavior is innately feminine.

Gender Traits

I find it interesting that many languages assign gender to words. How is "table" feminine while "heart" is masculine? Somehow, society has also made many things gender appropriate: 
  • Clothing
  • Hairstyle
  • Career choice
  • Hobbies
  • Personality
  • Character
While some people may follow clear gender stereotypes, reality is fuzzier. For example, look at height. "Men are taller than women." But if you look at the data, there are men that are shorter than the average woman and women that are taller than the average man. And that's for a trait that includes no choice.

For traits and activities that include choice, why limit those choices?  Aren't the boundaries fuzzier in these cases? I think we should have a meritocracy that is blind to gender.


I have limited experience with transgender people. First hand, I know a couple of coworkers who have transitioned. Second hand, I've talked to family members and associates of trans people. I want to tread lightly here out of respect.

Let's consider two examples.

Example 1: I was considering applying for a position in another group at work so I met with a coworker that had worked in that group. This coworker had recently transitioned to a woman. I noticed that she was thoughtful and provided good insight.

Example 2: My wife was on a committee comprised of women. What united this group was the trauma they experienced from a patriarchal organization. A trans woman joined the group and didn't follow the social norms of the group. She was a bully and harassed the leader of the group.

I'm sure it is difficult for trans people to know if they are interacting with an ally or a bigot, so we should provide understanding and compassion. 

I recommend reading "X: A Fabulous Child's Story" as it helps reveal some of the ways that we might be biased and can be more considerate of others' less-than-binary gender identity.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Unified Ethical Principles: How we basically all believe the same thing

 I have to admit that I don't know much about what a majority of people on Earth believe, so I decided to ask ChatGPT to summarize for me. I used two prompts. The first one was to come up with a unified set of principles. The second one is a table of principles for each belief system.

Can you combine the ethical principles from all of the major religions and philosophies into one unified whole and describe in a religious sounding text?

In the tapestry of human spirituality, a harmonious symphony of ethical principles emerges, woven by the threads of diverse faiths and philosophies. In this unified whole, we find a sacred covenant, a moral compass that guides humanity toward righteousness, compassion, and the pursuit of the common good.

Moral Guidelines: Our collective wisdom imparts the virtues of love, forgiveness, honesty, kindness, and justice. These are the pillars upon which we build our moral edifice, nurturing the soul's growth toward enlightenment and divine grace.

Family Values: We sanctify the bonds of family, for they are the cornerstone of society. In our embrace of family values, we commit to fostering love, care, and unity among our kin, recognizing the sacredness of the familial ties that bind us.

Social Justice: We are called to champion the cause of social justice, extending a helping hand to the less fortunate and advocating for fairness and equity. It is in our commitment to compassion and empathy that we strive to create a just and inclusive world.

Accountability: We acknowledge the profound accountability that rests upon our shoulders, whether to a divine presence or the moral conscience within. Each action carries consequences, and we are entrusted with the responsibility to act with wisdom, integrity, and awareness.

Non-Violence: As one, we abhor violence and champion peace. The principle of non-violence, woven into the very fabric of our collective ethos, guides our actions toward harmony and the preservation of life in all its forms.

Compassion: Compassion flows through our veins as the lifeblood of our shared humanity. It is in compassion that we recognize the intrinsic worth of every being, and in our acts of kindness, we express our divine connection.

Humility: Humility is the cloak we wear on our path toward enlightenment. In its folds, we find the strength to acknowledge our limitations, embrace selflessness, and approach life's mysteries with reverence and awe.

This unified ethical tapestry, woven from the wisdom of our diverse faiths and philosophies, beckons us to live lives of purpose and virtue. It calls us to transcend our differences and stand together in the pursuit of a world suffused with love, justice, and compassion. In this sacred covenant, we find not division, but the unifying thread of our shared humanity, leading us toward the radiant dawn of a more ethical and harmonious world.

Can you create a table showing in which ways the major religions and philosophies are similar regarding ethical principles?

Ethical PrinciplesChristianityIslamHinduismBuddhismJudaismSikhismConfucianismHumanism
Moral GuidelinesLove, forgiveness, honestyHonesty, kindness, justiceDharma (duty), karma, ahimsaFive Precepts (e.g., non-violence)Moral laws, righteousnessTruth, compassion, equalityFilial piety, benevolence, proprietyHuman dignity, reason, empathy
Family ValuesSanctity of marriage, nurturing family relationshipsFamily values, care for relativesFamily as part of dharmaEmphasis on compassion for all beingsStrong emphasis on familyFamily bonds, respectEmphasis on family harmonyEmphasis on community and empathy
Social JusticeFocus on helping the less fortunate, social justiceObligatory charity (Zakat), avoidance of injusticeAdvocacy for social justicePromotes compassion and empathyConcern for the disadvantagedAdvocacy for social justicePromotes social harmonyEmphasis on human rights and equality
AccountabilityBelief in judgment and accountability before GodAccountability for deeds and intentionsAccountability for karmaEmphasis on self-awarenessBelief in divine judgmentAccountability for actionsEmphasis on personal responsibilityPersonal responsibility and ethics
Non-ViolenceEmphasis on "turning the other cheek"Strong emphasis on peace and avoidance of violenceAhimsa (non-violence)Primary principle is non-violenceProhibitions against violenceStrong emphasis on non-violenceEmphasis on peace and harmonyRejection of violence and harm
CompassionEncourages followers to show compassionPromotes compassion and mercyCompassion for all beingsCentral principle is compassionEmphasis on loving-kindnessPromotes compassion and empathyPromotes benevolence and compassionEmphasis on empathy and altruism
HumilityEncouragement of humility and meeknessEncourages humility in prayer and daily lifeHumility is a virtueHumility and selflessness encouragedEmphasis on humilityEmphasis on humilityEmphasis on modesty and humilityEmphasis on humility and self-awareness

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Problem With Scouting and Other Moral Organizations

Years ago the company I worked for changed to a 4-9-4 schedule that consisted of 9-hour work days Monday through Thursday and a 4-hour day on Friday. The company also allowed for flex time, meaning you could start your day earlier or later. I started coming in at 6:00 a.m. to beat traffic, so often I would be finishing my workday at 10:00 a.m. on Friday. I would proudly announce that my day was done as I left at 10:00 a.m. I found it disconcerting that many people replied:

"You're lucky! I can't remember the last time I only worked four hours on Friday."

I have since come up with a better understanding of this phenomenon (partially thanks to Dan McClellan and the book Sapiens)


Human evolution grew our brains to the point that we could manage to participate in communities of 150 people. Since our communities are much larger than this, we need a way to maintain social cohesion. One way we have done this is by creating arbitrary boundaries that define religions, companies, and other organizations. These boundaries show who is in and who is out. They define the behaviors required to signal to others that you are a trusted member of the group. The result is that we can interact with and trust people we do not know or have never met.

To signal that you are a more trusted member, you spend more of your time and energy, like working a full Friday instead of only the half-day that may be required.

So far, this sounds good, right?

On My Honor

I'm an Eagle Scout and some of my best memories from my childhood are from Scouting. I always liked the morals taught in Scouting. For example:

"Leave No Trace" - when you leave camp (or any place), leave it better than you found it. It reminds me of the "Keep America Beautiful" campaign that I learned in school as a young boy. This week, I was walking through the parking lot and someone had dumped all of their trash from a visit to a fast food restaurant. It was ugly and offensive.

This past week, I watched the documentary "On My Honor: The Untold Story of the Scouts", about sexual abuse in the Scouting organization. I know I am biased in favor of Scouting, so I disagreed with one of the opening statements that the good parts of scouting were just a facade for what was really going on in Scouting. I had the view that Scouting was inherently good and any abuses were a minor blemish on the organization.

I now have a different opinion.

The Problem with Moral Superiority

When a group creates an arbitrary boundary to signal high moral standards within the group, it can be very attractive to people wanting to find a safe place in a chaotic, and sometimes dangerous world. When joining such a group, members can then relax with the expectation that they are safe.

The problem arises when the signals required to join the group can be easily learned by dangerous players. In the case of Scouting, any adult male can wear a uniform, recite the Scout Motto and Scout Law, and volunteer. And, the organization was hungry for volunteers. Sexual predators learned this and so joined the ranks.

The problem is further worsened when the leadership of the organization takes a stand on their proclaimed moral superiority and refuses to acknowledge the wolves in sheep's clothing in their own organization. They are blinded by the same biases that I previously had about Scouting.

When the reputation of an organization becomes more important than the moral mission it claims to have, then there is a moral inversion. The offended individual becomes a sacrifice at the altar of the greater good.

Look in the Mirror

How about your organization or cause? Is it vulnerable to a similar moral inversion? Maybe there is no mistreatment within your organization, but how do you treat those outside of your boundaries? Do you apply the same morals and standards to non-members?

It's easy to feel good about the claims of the group, but good feelings can be a dangerous deceiver.

I have a saying:

Be careful putting up walls; you may end up on the wrong side.