Basically, the horrible things are going to happen unless the Government bails us out. Or is it, horrible things are going to happen unless the Government gets out of the way and let's the free market work things out? Or is it, horrible things if I don't drive a hybrid car and stop using plastic grocery bags? Or is it, horrible things are going to happen if we don't stop Iran and all the other terrorists?
Is you anxiety level going up yet? Take a deep breath. Slowly let it out. Now look at the latest Gallup Poll. For example, while 27% of companies are "Letting Go", 22% are hiring, 55% are doing either. (A year ago, 40% were hiring and 14% were letting go). According to the news, every company in the U.S. is laying off and no one is hiring.
Take another deep breath. Slowly let it out. So I'm cutting back. I'm watching American Idol, playing Wii, going for walks, and blogging.

Our breaths are much too deep. So the economy is bad right now, eh? Whelp, back to our furnitureless entertainmentless apartment.
uncle Ron, matt and I have fun reading your insightful and oft times hilarious words. My anxeity is most definately up. We sooth ourselves by watching the office, 30-rock and other silly shows. Probably should do less tv watching and more reading. Hope all is well with your family-love, the wilsons
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