Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Reason We Are So Polarized: Accuracy vs. Precision


  • Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to a true value
  • Precision refers to how close measurements of the same item are to each other
  • We tend to listen to and associate with others that believe like we do (precision).
  • We mistake precision for confidence of truth (accuracy)
  • The underlying cause is cognitive bias
The election is over and hopefully we can get past the emotion and start thinking rationally.  This is my attempt at providing some thought on this.  

In science, there is a useful metaphor of throwing darts at a dart board, used to explain accuracy vs. precision. Each x in the figure below represents where a dart hit the board.  I would like to apply this 
metaphor to beliefs and ideologies. 

The center of the dart board is truth.  As you move out from the center, you are further from the truth.  The darts (x's) represent each of the things we believe are true.  We all want to consider ourselves in the top left quadrant above: high accuracy, high precision.  In this quadrant, not only are we right, we are right all of the time.  My observation is that when it comes to politics (or religion), most people are actually in the top right quadrant: low accuracy, high precision.  They align very well with their friends on social media and their favorite news sources.  

Currently in politics there are actually two clusters, one on the right and one on the left.  When I talk to my friends that are either left or right leaning, I listen, impressed by their passion.  When I bring up information that would promote a balanced point of view, I feel treated as a heretic (or I'm ignored).  Because their cluster is so tight, they have confidence.  It's just misplaced confidence.

I'm not saying that I'm always right.  I'm more in the bottom right quadrant: low accuracy, low precision.  But occasionally I come across a head scratcher.  Here's a couple examples.

Do you remember this photo of Kellyanne Conway with her feet on the couch in the Oval Office?  How disrespectful, right?

Did you ever see the whole photo or know what the occasion was?  Here's the whole photo.

It was a meeting with leaders of historically black colleges and universities.  Why wasn't it reported what the meeting was about?  Unless you feel too comfortable in your precision cluster, you might want to find out.

There are legitimate and "accurate" reasons to find fault with Trump, but if he does something right, are you willing to give him credit?

On the other side, there were many times when I would read a headline criticizing one of Obama's speech.  They would take one comment and twist it into a different narrative.  I would then go and listen to the entire speech and find that it was very inspiring, patriotic, etc.  Stuff like being a good dad. 

Here are some specific examples of how the polarized clusters choose precision over accuracy:
  • Whether dangling chads should be counted as votes (This was the election of 2000 and the reason I became an independent)
  • Whether mail in ballots are acceptable (they've been an option for decades)
  • Whether everyone should wear a mask (I've gotten funny looks when I haven't worn one, like on a walk outside.  I've also gotten funny looks when I have worn one, like when I was walking by a gardener blowing a bunch of dust in the air).
  • Whether or not a successful national health care system in a much smaller country would scale to wildly diverse country OR is the success or failures of the DMV or post office an accurate comparison to a national health care system (I always get my mail, though the postal service does have its struggles).
  • Whether global warming and climate change are the greatest risk to humanity OR a complete hoax (Isn't there a sane middle ground?  Are carbon credits the only way of dealing with this?) 
  • Whether funding planned parenthood or supporting Roe vs. Wade results in more or fewer abortions.  I'm betting the answer is very nuanced.

The reasons that humans find themselves in these precision clusters away from the accurate bullseye is due to cognitive biases.  If you are interested in choosing accuracy over precision, you first have to overcome these biases.  Below is a quick reference to help you understand them better.  I also highly recommend the book "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me" by  Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Progress in the Presidential Debate: I'd like to see more of this

I would like to acknowledge Kristen Welker for the great job she did moderating the debate.  I would also like to acknowledge the engineers that developed the microphone kill switch so that the candidates could be controlled from talking over each other. 

Here's a couple of quotes from the debate last Thursday that I would like to see more of.  They showed the most honesty that I viewed the whole evening.  

Regarding COVID-19

[10:58] TrumpIt's not my fault that it came here... You know what, it's not Joe's fault that it came here either.

[18:58] Trump: ...So he's allowed to make mistakes, he happens to be a good person. [Referring to Fauci]

Regarding Immigration

BidenBecause we made a mistake...

Regarding the Crime Bill in the 80s and 90s

Biden...It was a mistake. I've been trying to change it since then...

The general theme I agree with is that stuff happens that you can't blame on anyone and people make mistakes.  The truth is that this is a very complex world and no single person or policy is going to fix it.    Some things may never be fixed (poverty, crime, disease).  No candidate or political party, even yours, is going to solve problems that have existed for millenia.  Not even your candidate.  Sometimes it is better to do nothing than to try the solution that you are 100% absolutely sure will work, even though there is no evidence that in this particular circumstance it will work.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

You Can Rewrite History But You Can't Change History

Imagine if all of power houses of the earth decided to change history. For a specific example, let's say they wanted to erase the history of ancient Egypt, the pharaohs, the pyramids, etc. What if all of the military might descended on Egypt and with their greatest weapons, nuclear and conventional, pulverize the Pyramids and ancient ruins to dust. Foot soldiers invaded all of the museums in the world and confiscated Egyptian artifacts. The largest and most powerful corporations funded people to enter all of the libraries and remove any book with reference to ancient Egypt. The tech giants crawled the internet and removed all electronic information. Thought police were hired to prevent anyone from teaching or even talking about ancient Egypt. 

Then writers were hired to create new history books about ancient Egypt. The new history would say that ancient Egyptians were a bunch of shepherds or nomads or something. Wiki pages would support the new history. Web pages would refer to the new history. 

If a whole new history of ancient Egypt is created, would that change history? The facts would remain. There were, in fact, Pyramids, temples and other amazing architecture. There were pharaohs. There was a an elaborate culture. 

Over time, some small scrap of paper would emerge. A book, previously lost or hidden, would be found. A forgotten temple would be unearthed.  All with fragments of the true history.

Does this seem far fetched?  In 1945, fifty-two papyrus texts were found concealed in an earthenware jar buried in the Egyptian desert, known as the Nag Hammadi library.  The texts were most likely hidden from people that wanted to destroy them.  They wanted to write their own history.

I learned about this from a book I recovered from my deceased uncle's library: "The Gnostic Gospels" by Elaine Pagels.  The book, ironically was destined for the refuse pile (what do you do with 1,300 books?).  It was an interesting revelation.  There were schisms and disagreements in the early Christian church: about the nature of Christ, how to obtain salvation, authority, etc.  The Catholic church prevailed with their ideology and managed to destroy what they perceived as the heretical ideas of the gnostics.  I like some ideas of the gnostics and am saddened to think that "might" won out over "right".

There are forces today that want to curate history. They want to curate what truth is to fit their purposes. Most likely what you consider truth is a fabrication. Most likely your staunchest ideological opponent believes a false narrative as well. There may not be a single public person with an accurate picture of truth.  It takes skepticism, doubt, curiosity, diligent inquiry, openness, effort to come to the truth.  Your biases may prevent you from seeing it.  If it is too easy for you to believe it, it's probably not true.  

I've heard of several reports where people have posted on their social media that if their friend votes or supports the opposite party or candidate, then they don't want to be friends.  Yikes!  I hope we can settle down after this election and learn to be more civil. Meanwhile, don't despair. Humans have been disagreeing for a long time.  And in my humble opinion, life keeps getting better.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Looking at the Numbers Part 4: Follow-up on Previous Pandemic Insights

 I've been wanting to go back an evaluate my previous posts on the Pandemic:

Looking at the Numbers: COVID-19 New Cases

Looking at the Numbers Part 2: COVID-19 Cases in the U.S.

Looking at the Numbers Part 3: Insight into the COV-19 Pandemic using a simulation


  • Claim: the pandemic was following a log-normal distribution
    • While the log-normal is useful, the pandemic resembles a more complicated superposition of multiple log-normal distributions.
  • Claim: the future can be predicted using log-normal distribution and/or percentage of population
    • Partially true
      • I predicted total cases for CA, FL, TX would be much larger than expected at the time (actual numbers have exceeded my prediction).
      • Log-Normal cannot predict future outbreaks (Example: Italy, Russian, Japan and Spain)
  • My original claim that many populous countries were just starting to "blow" up and poorer countries will most likely do worse.  This is proven false in the case of Bangladesh and India with lower death rates than the U.S.
  • Claim: Re-opening will most likely result in a rise of cases
    • True

Log-Normal Distribution

Claim: A Log-Normal distribution appears to be a surprising good fit to the number of new cases in various countries

The claim seems to be mostly true if a country or state doesn't make major changes to their response to COVID.

For example, Brazil seems to be following a Log-Normal distribution for COVID-19 cases.  Below are the best fit cumulative and distributions.
Most other countries, however show a resurgence of cases.  Only the distribution function is shown.  For these cases, it appears that the distributions appear as a superposition of two or more log-normal curves. 

Predicting the Future

  • The log-normal is able to predict the future growth of the virus assuming no later waves
  • The trend shows that the maximum expected total cases will be about 2% of the population
  • Several populous states have a ways to go

The problem with this claim is that in all cases, there is a later wave.  Still, I believe that the log-normal can help provide an expectation of how a current outbreak in a locale will play out.  Some examples:

Second Outbreaks

On May 9, 2020, I predicted that Italy would have 246k cases.  It hit this number at the end of July (as predicted) however a month later, the cases started climbing again.  It retrospect, I remember looking at the regions of Italy that had been infected and I noticed there were many other populous areas with low infection rates.  So I am not surprised in the later rise, but I also had no way to predict when it would start nor how large it will be.
Other countries that have had secondary outbreaks (Japan, Russian, Spain).

Populous States

On May 24, 2020, I predicted that California, Texas and Florida would have significantly more cases based on the assumption that peak cases would be about 2% of the population.  This assumption of 2% ended up being too low for many states (Florida and Arizona are both over 3% of the population infected).

StatePopulationTotal Cases to DateEstimate from May 24Actual Oct. 3

California's continually changing policies (partial shutdown, full shutdown, partial reopening, etc.) have resulted in a distribution that cannot be fit to a log-normal.

Populous Countries

On May 9, 2020, I noted that some of the most populous countries were just starting to see the pandemic: 
 India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria.  Though I wrote in my post that  "It's too early to tell how this will play out worldwide", I alluded to my hypothesis that they would experience a more severe pandemic.  The table below does not support this hypothesis.  

CountryMay 9Oct 3Death Rate for those infected
United States1,283,9297,332,2852.8%

Two cases stand out: India and Bangladesh.  India is quickly approaching the U.S. in number of cases but has a death rate nearly half of the U.S.  Bangladesh has an even lower death rate and the total number of cases are very small (0.2% of the population infected compared to the U.S. at 2.2%). And it appears that cases in Bangladesh are on a steady decline.

Re-opening will most likely result in a rise of cases

Here is my prediction using a scale-free model.  The total cases, time scale, relative size and time of peaks could not be accurately modeled.

Here is what happened in the U.S. after many states relaxed the rules around May or June.

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Book of Everything

Imagine a book where every page represents the state of the universe at a different point in time.  The first page is the beginning of time.  The last page is the end of time. You thumb through the book and notice the continual changes from page to page.  The formation of stars, planets, life. These pages are a record of all history. As you thumb through the book, you discover the remainder of the book is completely blank. This is the future. Nothing is printed because it hasn't happened yet.

You turn to the last page with printing on it.  This is the present.  On this page is everything happening in the entire universe at this very moment.  The spiraling of galaxies. The motion of the planets. The moon, satellites, international space station and space junk all orbiting the earth.  Meteors are striking the atmosphere and burning up into dust.  Airplanes are flying through the sky.  Clouds floating and changing shape. Rain falls somewhere and it is snowing elsewhere. Birds are flying and singing. The wind blows.  People going about their business: driving, eating, sleeping, crying, laughing, arguing.  Billions of people.  Animals roaming the earth, climbing trees, digging holes.  Trees and plants sway in the wind and reach for the sun.  Fruit ripens.  Fish are swimming in the water.  Boats ride on the oceans, rivers and lakes. 

Your awareness of the present is like a small period on the page of the present.  A little dot.  There is infinitely more that you don't know about the present than what you do know.  You could spend every minute of the day reading the news and social media and your knowing is still a dot. 

You turn to the previous page and there is your little dot at an earlier time.  Maybe seconds ago.  Maybe minutes, hours or days.  There is a trajectory of dots all the way back to your birth. You realize that there is nothing you can do to change your past trajectory.  It is permanently recorded in the book of everything.

When you meet someone in the present, it is a rare moment when your trajectories intersect. Even if it is someone you see everyday, their trajectory is more unique than their DNA or fingerprint. Their path is so different than yours that your only choice is to be curious, interested, non-judging.

You turn to the page after the present and it is completely blank.  It's the future.  It hasn't happened yet.  You have no knowledge of what it brings.  No amount of thinking can make your dot appear on that page, let along anything else.  The printing will only appear when the page becomes the present.

You realize that the only thing that you have any influence over is your tiny dot on the present page.  What you think. What you say. How you act. How you breath. That's what you control.  But only in the present.  And only in the present that you are currently experiencing. You let go of the past.  You forget about the future.  You focus on the now.  You feel your heart open up to the present. Everything becomes more alive. Colors are more vibrant.  Sounds are clearer.  Food tastes better. People are more fascinating. Your feelings are more clear. 

You realize that the goal isn't to change the world; it's to experience the world.
You realize that the goal isn't to feel good; instead it's to be good at feeling.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Parable: A Peaceful Walk in the Park

The Story

You decide to go for a walk in your favorite park.  There are large canopy shade trees along a lazy stream.  Wild flowers line the trail.  Song birds fill the air.  As you quietly stroll, you feel the weight of the world melt away and a peace and serenity engulfs you.  

Then you hear a sound.

"help" someone seems to be calling out.  

You pause.  



Then continue your walk, immersing yourself in the quiet and beauty.


You hear it again, but this time it is louder.  You detect where it is coming from and turn to the voice.

"BE QUIET!!!" You yell.

Then you turn and return on your stroll.

"Please, Help!  Help!"

Once again you turn to the voice.


Then you start walking again.

"PLEASE, OH PLEASE, HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!" The voice is much louder and urgent.

You turn to the voice and yell


The Moral 

What is your reaction to this story?  Could you identify at all with the "you"?  The person crying for help could be a stranger, a friend, a loved one, or even yourself.  The cry for help symbolizes any strong emotion: fear, anger, sadness, joy, surprise.  We try to ignore, avoid or stifle strong emotions because they push us out of our comfort zones.  We justify ignoring the emotional outburst by blaming the person.  If they had only been more careful. If they just saw things more clearly.

Maybe they deserve to feel that way.  But while the emotion is being expressed, the least we can do is acknowledge that the emotion exists.  "Wow, I can tell you are really sad/upset/angry!  Help me to understand why".  You don't necessarily need to take on the emotion or feel it yourself.  But you can learn from it.

Last week my dog died.  He was 11 years old.  I knew this day would come and to be honest, I've been ready to have a dog free house for a while.  Yet the day he died I felt a strong grief and loss.  I didn't want to.  But I did.  So I stopped and let myself feel it.  Grief is a wake up call to help us realize how many strong bonds we have with those around us, that now is the time to make the most of our relationships. 

Investigating someone else's (or your own) emotions is sure to bring greater understanding.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Looking at the Numbers Part 3: Insight into the COV-19 Pandemic using a simulation

This is the third in the series of analyzing the growth of cases for the current pandemic.  In my previous posts here and here, I showed how many countries and states resemble a log-normal distribution. In this post I describe a model that I developed for the pandemic.

  • I verified my hypothesis that the pandemic can be modeled as a scale-free network starting at patient zero and nearest neighbors being infected each cycle.
  • Luck plays a role: where the infection starts in the pandemic makes a big difference in how fast it spreads.
  • Re-opening will most likely result in a rise of cases.

Scale-Free Networks

I first learned about scale-free networks from the book Linked by Albert-László Barabási.  A scale-free network starts with two nodes connected together.  One node is added at a time, preferentially connected to nodes with more connections.  These networks describe the topology (organization) of networks as varied as the Internet and the proteins in our cells.  It also describes social networks and how disease spread.

I decided to see if by using a scale-free network, I could demonstrate the same log-normal pattern of COVID-19 case growth over time (as observed in my earlier posts).  I found a Python module, networkx, that has a function, not surprisingly called "barabasi_albert_graph", that can construct the network.  A "graph" is a mathematical term for networks.


A scale-free network can describe the social connections in your city.  Some people have friends and family in other cities so that a county also resembles a scale-free network.  Similarly, counties are connected to form states; states are connected to form countries; and countries are connected to represent the worlds population.

The Scale-Free Network Pandemic Model

Using the scale-free graph, I created a model that I could use to simulate the spread of the disease.  Starting with one person, the disease is spread to nearest neighbors, who spread to their nearest neighbors, etc.  The model includes policies to reduce the spread (using probability of an infection and limiting "group-size").  For a person with a large personal network, this can radically slow down or "flatten" the curve.

Below is an animation of a scale-free network of 1,000 nodes (I used a software tool call Gephi to plot the graph).  Uninfected nodes are gray, infected nodes are red.  The animation loops.  You can see how it starts slowly, then as it hits hubs (nodes with many connections) it speeds up.  It slows again as it infects loosely connected outliers.

A Scale-Free Network results in a Log-Normal Distribution

When I ran my model with 2.5 million nodes, it fit very well a log-normal distribution.  In the plot below, the orange "Fit" curve is the Log-Normal and it almost covers the blue "Total Cases" generated from the simulation.  I also ran the simulation in "flattened" mode with a group-size of 5 (simulating households of 5 people under stay-at-home orders).

Q: What Exactly Does the Network Represent? A: Only Infected People

My initial thinking was that I would produce a graph with 7.7 billion nodes, and experiment with it.  Unfortunately my computer isn't powerful enough (It started complaining when I ran more than a couple million nodes).  What I realized is that if you consider the complete graph of a population, and then only infected around 2% of the nodes, the infected nodes also resemble a scale-free graph.  So I found it most useful to consider the graph as only the people that got infected in a large network.

Luck and Patient Zero

When the current pandemic started, I naturally asked "why is this happening?" and "how can I protect myself?".  I started using coping mechanisms.  "It mostly kills people with preexisting conditions, so I'll be fine".  When Italy was one of the first countries to get hit the hardest, I blamed their culture thinking "It's all of the kissing and hugging Italians do".

With this simulation that produces results similar to real world data, I could play around with it.  My first goal was to see if I could find a relationship between the log-normal parameters and the simulation parameters.  I varied network size, probability of infection, group-size limits.  The resulting fitted log-normal parameters (sigma, scale and offset) showed no correlation. 

I then decided to examine the effect of different patient zeros (the person from which the disease originated).  I re-ran the model with 10 randomly selected starting nodes for a network of 500,000.  In the plot below, you can see that the starting node does make a difference.

I then decided that 10 nodes was too small a sample, so I decided to run for 500 randomly selected starting nodes.  Each simulation was run until half of the network was infected.  Below is a histogram showing the distribution of these 500 runs.  I also wanted to see the dependence on size of the network, so I ran for networks with 1,000, 10k, 20k, 50k, 100k and 500k nodes.

Making Sense of the Variation

This last graph showed that for a network of size of 500k, the disease would most likely take 3-14 weeks to infect half of the population; but it could also take up to 66 weeks!  How could this be?

Let's consider two people from Wuhan, China that have been infected:
  1. A rich businessman goes to the Alps on a Ski trip
  2. A grandma goes to visit her family in a small town outside of China.

Case 1: Rich Businessman goes skiing

The rich businessman is in the ski lodge with some wealthy Italian young men.  They get infected and go back to Italy.  They are very socially active (hubs) and infect hundreds of people at a club they go to.  Those people are also active and spread to their networks.  In a matter of weeks, thousands of people are infected.

Case 2: Grandma visits her grand-kids

Grandma stays with her daughter in a small town.  Her only interaction is with their family, husband, wife, and 2 kids.  The husband works from home and the daughter takes care of the kids.  Once a month, they have dinner with some friends.  They infect their friends, who are also socially isolated.   Slowly the disease makes its way to a hub, where it spreads more rapidly. It takes months to infect 100 people.


I tried simulating what would happen if the stay-at-home orders were removed, by removing the group-size limit part way through the simulation.  The reality is that the rise in cases will probably not be as dramatic since over-all the population has changed it's behavior (wearing masks, washing hands, etc.)


As public policies change in how we respond to the current pandemic, I knew I needed a model where I could simulate changes over time.  The scale-free network has proved to be an interesting model to experiment with as it fits the early log-normal distributions of cases over time.  The model reveals that there are some things out of our control (who patient zero is), while there are other things we can do to make a big difference (avoid infections via hubs).

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Looking at the Numbers Part 2: COVID-19 Cases in the U.S.

A week ago I posted analysis of COVID-19 cases for various countries here.

In this post, I use some of the same methods (Python, pandas, scipy, matplotlib) to look at a dataset for U.S. counties http://usafacts.org.  This data is used to look at growth for states.


  • COVID-19 cases in the U.S. also fit a log-normal distribution
  • Several U.S. states are close (90-95%) to the maximum expected total cases
  • The trend shows that the maximum expected total cases will be about 2% of the population
  • Several populous states have a ways to go


I focus on the 3 most populous states that I have good curve fits for (NY, NJ, MA) and the 3 most populous states that I don't have good curve fits for (CA, TX, FL).  

For this post, I'm using the log-normal cumulative distribution function (CDF) since the underlying data set was total cases (cumulative cases).

Note that the data used only reported numbers and that it is plausible that the actual number of cases is much higher.


The plots of NY, NJ and MA include the estimated log-normal CDF curve fit.  The legend includes the estimated total number of cases.  Based on the current total number of cases, the percentage complete is: NY (95%), NJ (89%), MA (89%).

I was not able to fit the CA and TX data.  FL has an estimate, but I don't consider it a reliable fit because it is too early (see my previous post on reliability).

Expected Percentage of the Population to Get COVID-19

Two metrics are compared to determine what percentage of the population will get COVID-19.  
  • Estimated % Complete - calculated by dividing the current number of cases by estimated number of total cases.  The higher the percentage, the more reliable the estimate.
  • % of the Population at Estimated Peak - this is the estimated number of total cases divided by the population.
The chart shows that the trend is towards 2% of the population getting infected.  Only the most reliable estimates were included (where the estimated % complete was greater than 50%).

If we assume that 2% of the population will get reported as having COVID-19, then several states have a long ways to go.

 Total Cases to Date 
 Estimate Remaining Cases to Reach 2 % 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Looking at the Numbers: COVID-19 New Cases

[Updates 6/4/2020]


  • A Log-Normal distribution appears to be a surprising good fit to the number of new cases in various countries
  • The log-normal is able to predict the future growth of the virus assuming no later waves
  • It's highly probable that the number of cases are under reported
  • The idea of flattening the curve is can be misleading [Updated 5/18/2020]
  • There are many populous countries that are just starting to "blow" up.

My Goal

We all have our own way of coping with the current pandemic.  For me it was looking at the numbers to see if I could understand where we were heading.  I feel that much of what is presented in the media is dumbed-down for the general population and wasn't answering the questions that I was asking in the way I wanted them answered.

My goal was to find a mathematical function that fit the data that could reveal the potential size of this pandemic.  I looked at the growth for various countries with different strategies.  I also picked countries that were further in the cycle so that the data would be more revealing.
  • South Korea
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • United States
I used Python's pandas, scipy modules, which allowed for quick processing of the data, a rich collection of mathematical functions and as a bonus, a curve fitting algorithm.

Log-Normal Distribution

After several attempts of identifying a function, tracking its fit over days or weeks, I found the best fit was a Log-Normal distribution.  This is the same function I identified in a previous post for fitting income/wealth distributions [1].  In that context, it makes sense that a log-normal fits this pandemic.  At the beginning, there is exponential growth and the entire population is a candidate for infection.  This results in rapid growth at the beginning.  Then, as more people have had it, there are fewer candidates so the tail dies off more slowly.    


Here are my attempts at fitting a log-normal distribution to the number of new cases for various countries.  The actual data is a solid blue line and the dashed orange line is the log-normal estimation.  The legend for the log-normal shows the estimate for total number of cases, e.g. "3.01M" is 3.01 million. 

Curve Fit Parameters

The curve fit parameters for a log-normal are scale, sigma and offset.  These are useful in the following ways:
  • scale - provides an overall estimate of the number of cases
  • sigma - provides the shape (how wide or narrow)
  • offset - provides the starting date 
Table of fitting parameters for each Country (sorted by start date)
Country  Scale 
(# Cases)
Sigma Offset (Days)
South Korea                  9,100 0.76 55
France              141,500 0.35 57
Italy              246,000 0.55 58
Spain              226,100 0.39 63
Germany              175,700 0.43 63
United Kingdom              530,100 0.82 75
United States          3,010,500 0.88 76

Pythons scipy.stats.lognorm includes the functions pdf (probability distribution function), cdf (cumulative probabilty function), and ppf (percent-point function).  The ppf was used to determine dates for when each country would achieve some level of percent complete.

[Updated 6/4/2020. Add to table below date when actual % was reached.  Green/Yellow/Red indicate how close the prediction was. This shows how hard it is to predict the future since most of the green dates were before the prediction was made]

Table of % Complete (Assuming Log-normal) Predicted on May 9, 2020
Country 50% 67% 95% 99% 99.9% 99.99%
South Korea 3/4/2020
France 4/7/2020
Italy 4/5/2020
7/16/2020 9/28/2020 12/26/2020
Spain 4/4/2020
Germany 4/5/2020
United Kingdom 5/23/2020
6/22/2020 12/6/2020 6/23/2021 8/3/2022 3/13/2024
United States 5/19/2020
6/19/2020 12/18/2020 8/6/2021 12/9/2022 12/21/2024

Under Reporting

I personally know many people that have claimed to have COVID-like symptoms but were never even tested.  The curve fitting model presented above supports those claims, since the "Scale" or estimated total number of cases is far below each countries populations.  The highest percentage of estimated cases is United States at around 1%.  The remaining 99% are a mix of "not yet infected", "immune" and "infected and not reported".  Since the uninfected are susceptible to getting infected, this should result in a potential resurgence.  In the case of South Korea and Germany where stricter containment was used, the uninfected is probably a larger portion of the population.   

Table of Population and Estimated Percentage Infected
Country Population % Infected
South Korea 51M 0.02%
France 67.0M 0.21%
Germany 83.1M 0.22%
Italy 60.6M 0.41%
Spain 46.7M 0.48%
United Kingdom 67.1M 0.79%
United States 328.2M 0.92%

Flattening the Curve

There is a lot of talk about "Flattening the Curve".  This is the idea that by taking measures, we don't decrease the total number of cases, just spread it out over time.  This is misleading on various fronts.

Logarithmic Scale

Many sources plot the data with the number of cases on a logarithmic scale.  Below are plots of the CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) with fitted data.  The first plot is a linear scale.  While the rate of growth is slowing, it still has a way to climb.  
 The second plot is using a logarithmic scale. It appears the curve is flattening, but this is the same data.  It's only flattening because tick marks at the top represent much large jumps, flattening the curve.

Spreading the Curve

[Updated 5/18/2020.  Scale is one of the fit parameters and varies by country.  It may be possible that scale can be changed by a countries response] Another idea is that by flattening, we are spreading the data over time.  For the log-normal, this would mean varying sigma, since scale and offset are assumed fixed.  While a larger sigma lowers the peak, it also pushes the rise further left.  This doesn't agree with the "flattening the curve" concept.  Lowering the peak should push the peak right, not left.

Plot of the Lognormal PDF
If you looked at the sigma for each country and estimated percentage infected, there is no real correlation.  The only thing that makes sense is that extreme intervention lowers the number of cases.  Countries like South Korea and Germany had the most extreme intervention (0.02% and 0.22%  infected) and the US with a relatively poor response has the highest (0.92%)
[Updated 5/18/2020 with Scale]  It appears scale is correlated to the total number infected, so flattening the curve may be possible.

Country Sigma Scale % Infected
South Korea 0.76 9.6 0.02%
France 0.35 41 0.21%
Italy 0.55 40 0.41%
Spain 0.39 30 0.48%
Germany 0.43 33 0.22%
United Kingdom 0.82 60 0.79%
United States 0.88 65 0.92%

Reliability of Prediction

The reliability of predictions was evaluated by seeing if a past prediction matches the current numbers.  For example, "dt-10", would be a prediction made based on the only data available 10 days ago.  This shows that attempting to predict with insufficient data effects the estimation (for example, Russia and Brazil and still rising so their predictions are not reliable).  The esimated number of total cases for Italy has been stable for the last 2 weeks (since it is further in the cycle) and has been steadily climbing for the US (since the US is just passing it's peak)

Other Countries

The pandemic is just starting in many of the world's most populous countries: India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Bangledesh, Pakistan, Nigeria.  Many of these countries are less prepared than the rich European countries that are already passing their peaks.  It's too early to tell how this will play out worldwide.

Data Used: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.csv

Prosperity vs. Inequality

Much attention is given to the inequality in income and wealth.  Calls to "tax the rich" and raise the minimum wage are efforts to reduce this inequality and appeal to the moral concept of "fairness".  However, a more careful look at the data begs for an alternate focus.  The goal should not be equality but instead the goal should be to lift people out of poverty.

My hypothesis is that general prosperity is the way to overcome poverty.  By general prosperity, I mean a system of organizations, traditions, processes, laws, behaviors that promotes prosperity.  Prosperity is therefore the correct measure.

I. Common Sense Reasoning 

You have a choice of living in one of two society:

  1. A very equal society where the gap between the top and bottom of wages is small
  2. A very prosperous society where even the bottom wage earners have all of the basic necessities.
Here is another condition of these two societies:
  1. In the equal society, the bottom 50% do not have the basic necessities.
  2. In the prosperous society, the top 1% have 90% of the wealth.
The rational choice is the prosperous society.  The problems in the equal society are real resulting in a lack of absolute wealth while in the prosperous society it is more a matter of perception resulting from comparison to the ultra wealthy.  

In the next sections, I attempt to prove that this is not just a thought experiment but a reality.

II. Income Distribution

In a previous post [1], I describe the shape of the income distribution for United States.  It turns out that this shape applies to other countries.  (Note: there are better models for fitting the data [2] but I will stick with the simplicity of my original model).

The original model of income distribution has been simplified to two parameters: "scale" and "shape".

Fitting Parameters for Income Distribution
ParameterImpact on EqualityImpact on Prosperity
ShapeLower values improve equalityLower values reduce poverty.
ScaleLarger values widen the absolute gap,
but relative wage gap remains the same
Larger values increase prosperity

In order to decrease poverty, both the shape and scale parameters need to increase.

The following table shows the parameters for the United States and China.

Fitting Parameters for US and China
Country Shape         Scale      Gini Coefficient
United States
Australia 0.6

Note: The China data was bi-modal (two peaks) which implies an overlay of two functions.

While the "Equality" parameter for China (0.6) results in greater equality than the U.S. (1.0), it is the larger "Prosperity" parameter for the U.S. (61,160) that results in fewer people in poverty than in China (1,920 and 7,863).

The data used with fitted log-normal distribution are shown in the next figures.

III. Additional research

Similar results have been published by Max Roxer and associates at ourworldindata.org.  For example, the article "Incomes across the Distribution" [3] includes findings from this research that support my hypothesis:
Australia has also seen an increase in inequality, but ... the incomes of all households increased substantially. This contrast is a good example that makes clear that we cannot rely on aggregate measures – like mean GDP growth and inequality measures – alone. We have to study incomes across the entire distribution to be able to see what is happening.
A last example makes clear that we should not focus on economic inequality alone: Greece has seen substantial reductions in inequality, yet the fall in incomes outweighs this development.

In "Income Inequality" [4], Global income inequality is plotted at three different times showing that the world has transitioned from most in poverty, to  divided by rich and poor, and finally to a richer, more equal world.


[1] http://wrauny.blogspot.com/2013/02/why-are-people-poor-and-what-can-we-do.html
[2] Income Distribution in the United States, A Quantitative Study. http://www.roperld.com/economics/IncomeDistribution.htm
[3] Income across the Distribution, https://ourworldindata.org/incomes-across-the-distribution/
[4] Income Inequality https://ourworldindata.org/income-inequality/